Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Commentary on the State of My Mind

The scene is me laying on the couch with Rachel standing by my side observing the glazed look on my face. She is already bright eyed and bushy tailed having just awakened from her nap. Rachel: "Grandma, when are you going to wake up?" Me: " Oh, my eyes are open, but my mind just isn't awake yet". Rachel, laughing hilariously, " Grandma, you don't have a mind!" Thanks, Rachel. Nothing like from the mouths of babes! I feel great!


  1. Haha! Thats funny! Thanks Rachel! Also, I'm so excited for you and the crickets. Wasn't it dad that tried to get rid of one with a shovel? Or something to that effect?

  2. hee hee hee. i love that story. Welcome to bloging mom!

  3. haha, I knew you lots your mind a long time ago
